Thursday, July 18, 2013

Aha Moments

An aha moment is the moment when you read something very interesting, share with others, and will remember. My aha moments for Chapters 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 are:

Chapter 1: Health
 1 in 3 American men and 1 in 5 American women have no regular health care provider. This is very shocking to learn about.
 71% American men are overweight and I thought it was lower than half.
8% American have diabetes and 2% don't know that they have it.

Chapter 2: Stress
85% college students are overwhelmed by their courses but I think that all student get overwhelm more than once.
6.2% american men and 8.3%American women suffer serious psychological distress which is not very high.
Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep every night to be healthy
84 million Americans practice yoga in their free time


Chapter 3: Psychological Health
75% American who intend to commit suicide alert al least one person of their intentions.
57.7 million Americans suffer from a psychological disorder which is very shocking high.
7.7 million Americans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder are events that someone has experienced terror
52% American suicides are mostly committed with guns because of the stress that they carry

 Chapter 7: Drugs
Psychoactive drugs work by alter the person's mind
The most popular psychoactive drug is caffeine
2.1 million Americans received treatment for their well-being


Chapter 8: Alcohol and tobacco
79,000 American die from alcohol poisoning
17.5% American men and 9.6% American women were caught with a DUI
12.2% pregnant women drink alcohol even though they know the consequences
17 million Americans are binge drinkers in the US
2.8 million American teenagers are tobacco users in the US


Chapter 9: Nutrition
1 billion people don't eat nutritionally
 42% Americans don't eat any whole grains
14% Americans eat fruits and vegetables
3.2% Americans are vegetarians


Chapter 10: Exercise and Fitness
3.8% elementary, 7.9% middle, and 2.1% high schools have a physical education class called PE
32% American are healthy in their weight
Diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death
31% Americans like flexibility exercises such as yoga


Chapter 11: Weight Management
Obesity has 34% Americans Surgery patients think about losing 50-60% of excess weight
33% Americans have high blood pressure but more than half aren't aware
65% Americans with diabetes would most likely die from cardiovascular disease
11.4 million Americans have a history of cancer that they aren't aware of


Chapter 16: Personal Safety
Motor vehicle injuries cost Americans billions of dolars
46% of all injuries need medical attention would most likely to happen at home
6% rapist would only spend a day in jail which is not very long for their crimes

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