Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Challenge of Aging


Do-Nation is an organization that saves lives by transplanting organs that people need in order to live. They save about 8 people that required an organ or tissue donation. Many people die from organs that they don't have and are waiting to receive. Many people have the chance to save someone's life but are not willing to do anything about it. I think that only family would be most willing to donate an organ for a relative.

Environmental Health

Population Growth


I was shocked when I saw this video of population growth because it will damage the environment Every 13 years, there are about 1 billion new people in the world. The environment may be the one affected from the population growth because people will need to create more homes, natural resources, foods, and other things. Also, the natural resources and food production will need to increase to satisfy the people's consumption.  The planet's population is expected to increase to 9.6 billion by 2050. In another 50 years, there would be 10.9 billion people in the world. Countries have experienced poor education, bad health,  poverty, low natural resources, economic problems, and others. The future would have more problems than the current problems that the world is facing now such as global warming,  unemployment rates, economic problems, less resources, and other problems.

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Immune System

How does stress affect the immune system?

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People ignore that stress is a big deal to the body. Stress is the reaction of your body to change a response. Stress will affect the person's physical, mental, and emotional responses. People are weak when they are stressed because the mind and body are focused on one thing that it forgets about the other functions. The brain releases chemicals that will give energy for the bodies but will allow your body to be weak for the bacteria to enter and get sick. People sometimes react to little things that will make them stress about it and forget the big things that they should take care of. People should control their thought instead of the thoughts controlling them.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Miracle of Life

 The Life's Greatest Miracle is about the attraction between men and women, how babies are created, reproductive system, DNA, growth of child and other processes. 365,000 babies are made each year. People must be attracted to each other and must have common interest for them to think about starting a family. There must be a men and women in order to create a babies and must do a specific activity together. Sperm has 3 million sperm cells that must swim to find an egg. I saw this video of the sperm trying to find an egg. It shows how the process of meiosis from mother's and father's half of chromosomes. Then I saw that the sperm is healthy and compatible to the egg for it to attach to each other. The sperm releases its DNA in the egg and then cell are multiplying in order form the baby. In a few weeks, the body will be forming inside the mother. The mother will give the baby an X and father will give a X or Y. The father will be the one that give either a X for girl and Y for boy. The fetus will be getting all of the nutritional and oxygen cells so it can survive and grow. Also, the baby's heart beat will be going twice as fast as an adult. The mother will get very hungry. During the last trimester, the fetus must just grow. Finally, delivering a baby is the most painful experience a women can have but it will be worth it when they finally see their baby in their hands.

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